Observation: SN2017eaw

SN2017eaw, Type IIP in NGC 6946
Discovered 2017-05-14.238 by Patrick Wiggins, mag 12.8 at discovery
R.A. = 20h34m44s.238, Decl. = +60°11’36”.00

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 18.87CV ±0.05 (dmag 0.138 with 624 UCAC-4 ref stars), ZP=30.092mag
0.25m/4 + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, in 1×1

Observation: 2018dgx

2018dgx, Type Ic supernova in 2MASX J17480488+5213190
Discovered 2018-07-09.435 by ATLAS, mag 18.404 at discovery
R.A. = 17h48m05s.320, Decl. = +52°13’25”.34

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 18.40 ±0.05 (dmag 0.067 on 83 reference stars from UCAC-4), ZP=30.357
0.24m f/4 on EQ8, QHY183C 0.5″/pixel
3x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: 2018cow

2018cow, Type Ic-BL
Discovered 2018-06-16.441 by ATLAS , mag 14.739 at discovery
R.A. = 16h16m00s.220, Decl. = +22°16’04”.83

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 18.66CV ±0.04 (dmag 0.057 on 128 reference stars from UCAC-4), ZP=30.415
SW 250/1000 + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

The supernova is now getting faint and will disappear soon.