
For our searches, we use several setups.

1. In the South-West of France, we use a 250/1000mm telescope on top of an SW EQ8. It lives in a non-motorised nano-observatory in the countryside (SQM 20.76, Bortle 4).

Cedric’s Observatory in his backyard.

At night, the telescope is filmed and timelapses are produced.

2. In Western Canada, we use a 0.61-m f/4.0 telescope with SBIG-ST10XME and SBIG ST9E housed in an observatory.

Malhar R. Kendurkar’s PGAO_bot1

Malhar R. Kendurkar’s PGAO_bot1


3. In Benson, Arizona, USA we use 406 mm (16″)/ 4064mm f/10 Advanced Coma Free Optics + QSI 683 5.4µm pixel  and STT-1603ME

Kevin B. Alton’s Desert Bloom Observatory in Benson, AZ

4. In Quebec, Canada we use Celestron 14 SBiG STF-8300XME camera and 5-slot filter wheel, Narrowband HA, OIII, SII filters, and V and another filter wheel consists of L, R, G, B, Ha, OIII, SII and a SA200 for low resolution spectroscopy. And Explore Scientific 127mm telescope + SBIG ST-7 XME with Clear, V, B, R, Ic filters.

Jean’s Mont St-Joseph Observatory in Quebec, Canada

4. Teide Observatory, Spain we use 0.4m f/6.8 FLI Proline 16083 CCD with B, V, R, and Ha.
We also use 0.5 f/0.68 FLI Proline 16083 with B, V, R, and Ha filters.

Teide Observatory Slooh, Spain

5. La Dehesa, Chile we use 0.4 m f/6.8 and FLI Proline 16083 with B, V, R, and Ha filters.

La Dehesa, Slooh, Chile.

6. In Oyosoos, BC, Canada we use 0.5m folded newtonian telescope with a Fingerlakes Dream Machine camera using the same type of TK1024 CCD sensor that was used for the original HST wide field planetary camera.


7) In Frontenac, Quebec we use Celestron C14EDGE and SBIG ST-10XME

A SBIG ST-10XME camera is currently used for CCD photometry, with Astrodon Johnson-Cousins 1.25inch photometric filters. An Andor Ikon L-936 camera will replace this current camera in near future, for CCD observations of faint objects

Roger’s Orion Observatory in Frontenac, Quebec

8) In Arizona Sky Village we use 0.5 m f/4.2 telescope

Jack Newton’s observatory
Jack Newton’s Observatory in Arizona Sky Village