Observation: 2018edw

2018edw, Type Ia in LEDA 2776665
Discovered 2018-07-13.410 by ZTF, mag 18.83 at discovery
R.A. = 19h08m40s.560, Decl. = +78°28’39”.78

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
No longer visible
0.25m/f4 + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Previous observation: 2018-07-28.907
Supernova was confirmed, but too faint for photometry.

Observation: 2018epx

2018epx, Type Ia in LEDA 1806296
Discovered 2018-08-05.605 by ATLAS, mag 17.66 at discovery
R.A. = 23h29m53s.220, Decl. = +27°22’40”.90

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 15.99CV ±0.00 (dmag 0.061mag on 301 reference stars from UCAC-4), ZP=29.248mag
0.25m/f4 + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300x, bin 1×1

Observation: 2018ddu

2018ddu, Type Ic in 2MASX J16354562+7141121
Discovered 2018-07-04.367 by ZTF
R.A. = 16h35m46s.560, Decl. = +71°41’15”.24

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 18.30CV ±0.06 (dmag 0.066mag on 192 reference stars from UCAC-4), ZP=29.420
0.25m/f4 refractor + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: 2018ctb

2018ctb, Type Ia in KUG 2158+198B
Discovered 2018-06-19.550 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN), mag 16.5 at discovery
R.A. = 22h01m08s.093, Decl. = +20°03’04”.24

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 17.05CV ±0.02 (dmag 0.057 on 149 reference stars from UCAC-4), ZP=29.400mag
0.25m/f4 refractor + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: 2018dzr

2018dzr, Type Ia
Discovered 2018-07-16.036 by Gaia, mag 18.54 at discovery
R.A. = 17h02m22s.568, Decl. = +57°45’05”.15

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France
Approx mag 19.18CV ±0.03 (dmag 0.065mag on 210 reference stars from UCAC-4), ZP=28.966mag
The SN lives in an anonymous galaxy that is much fainter
0.25m/f4 refractor + EQ8
QHY183C, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Previous observation by Malhar Kendurkar
V = 18.05 +/- 015