Observation: AT2018fwx

AT2018fwx, Type unknown
Dscovered 2018-09-07.403 by ATLAS, mag 18.861 at discovery
R.A. = 20h49m56s.720, Decl. = +69°07’18”.48

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France, GSNST
Unconfirmed, nothing is visible.
0.25m/f4 reflector + CCMOS, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: AT2018geg

AT2018geg, Type unknown, probably object Gaia DR2 1853132466713637248
Discovered 2018-09-07.511 by Gaia, mag 18.63 at discovery
R.A. = 21h12m48s.583, Decl. = +31°57’20”.05

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France, GSNST
Approx mag 19.635CV
Note: Gaia DR2 1853132466713637248 has gmag=19.917652, which could indicate that AT2018geg isn’t visible above the object’s luminosity.
0.25m/f4 reflector + CCMOS, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: AT2018gen

AT2018gen, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-10.441 by ATLAS, mag 18.036 at discovery
R.A. = 21h57m46s.340, Decl. = +30°56’51”.71

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France, GSNST
Approx mag 18.02CV ±0.03, ZP=28.343mag
0.25m/f4 reflector + CCMOS, 0.5″/pixel
3x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: AT2018geu

AT2018geu, Type CV
Discovered 2018-09-08.967 by Gaia, mag 18.39 at discovery
R.A. = 00h36m28s.949, Decl. = +39°10’13”.30

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France, GSNST
Approx mag 17.49CV ±0.01, ZP=28.477mag
0.25m/f4 reflector + CCMOS, 0.5″/pixel
6x300s, bin 1×1

Observation: AT2018gfb

AT2018gfb, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-08.259 by Gaia, mag 17.41 at discovery
R.A. = 20h52m37s.999, Decl. = +30°33’10”.80

Observer: Cedric Raguenaud, SW France, GSNST
Approx mag 17.65CV ±0.01, ZP=28.834
0.25m/f4 reflector + CCMOS, 0.5″/pixel
4x300s, bin 1×1